SolidWorks Simulation Professional has an additional functionality: motion analysis. This is a new sequential method of creating a simulation, where the latter consists of a series of tasks that are performed according to events we may strictly define. These can be data from sensors, e.g. VDR, or other defined tasks, say, specific positions of the ships immediately before a collision. The tasks handle the motion of components and can control the switching on/off nodes / links / bonds ... wiązań between components in motion. An analysis of motion based on events, owing to its sequential character, is an ideal solution for analyzing consequences of a collison between two ships or ship-on-shore impact.
In the context of Centre’s scientific research on effects of ships’ and other technical objects, the system finds these applications:
- accident probability estimation referring to a ship as a technical system,
- calculating accident probability by an analysis of technical reliability of cargo handling gear fitted on ships and ashore. We will be first in Poland to examine the technical reliability of cargo transfer equipment, including the manifoolds, at the newly built LNG Terminal Świnoujście. The life cycle function allows to simulate processes involving cargo handling equipment used in LNG tanker discharge or other operations,
- development of risk reduction methods – calculating, at high level of probability, the technical reliability of machines and equipment.